It is a kitchen top on which you can cook directly.
Invisacook has created a unique product with a completely invisible cooking system.
Invisacook offers a fully integrated cooking experience with no visible elements. In addition to ensuring an elegant and minimalist aesthetic appearance, the invisible cooking system represents a technological innovation without precedent in the industry.

Invisacook is installed on 12 mm porcelain stoneware slabs. This feature not only gives the kitchen an aesthetically pleasing appearance, but also brings numerous practical advantages.
The use of these slabs allows faster and more efficient operations, greatly simplifying the working process, containing costs and without compromising on quality or the end result.
Invisacook is extremely easy to install, and meets different requirements by offering various alternatives.
The kitchen is not only the place where meals are prepared, but also plays a crucial role in the health and well-being of the family.
Therefore, it is essential that your kitchen is safe, aesthetically pleasing and equipped with the latest technology, so that you can cook efficiently, elegantly and without wasting precious time.
Invisacook not only outperforms traditional gas or electric hobs in speed, it is also one of the safest systems available.
Thanks to the fact that the worktop does not heat up, you will enjoy greater peace of mind and the risk of burns will be reduced.
The invisibility of Invisacook is therefore a strength and need not be a cause for concern.
Il dispositivo non genera calore diretto, consentendo così il suo utilizzo in svariate posizioni e circostanze.
Invisacook consente di ottimizzare lo spazio sul piano di lavoro quando non viene utilizzato, offrendo la possibilità di recuperare prezioso spazio disponibile.
Grazie a Invisacook, è possibile arredare la cucina con un piano d’appoggio senza giunture, creando un effetto elegante e di design.
Invisa induction offre una velocità superiore rispetto ai tradizionali piani cottura a gas o elettrici, garantendo risultati di cottura preciso, migliorando l’efficienza in cucina e semplificando le operazioni di pulizia.