For us, offering you the best materials and an excellent service has always been the priority.Recently, thanks to our logistic organization, we were able to satisfy one of our customers, having several quartz slabs of the american brand Cambria arrived from...
It’s time to take a break! We would like to inform you that we will be closed for Christmas Holidays on 24th December and from 31st December to 9th January 2022. We will re-open on Monday, January 10th. We wish you happy holiday We wish you a Merry...
Our journey to discover next year’s furniture trends continues, and today we will talk about one of the most important rooms in the home: the kitchen. The kitchen has always been the main focus of our homes, but in recently it has become a multifunctional...
Here we are again with another article that analyze the upcoming trends in the furniture sector, and this time we will find out together what to expect for the 2022 news in bathroom furniture. After the lockdown period, the bathroom has been greatly...
2022 is almost here Serugeri is ready to discover with you what will be trending in interior design next year. Today, in particular, we will explore the new 2022 furniture trends for the office. After a long period of absence from companies’ desks, many workers...
The new LAMINAM Design Verde Alpi and Sahara Noir Extra are now available at Serugeri, both in Polished and Bocciardato finish. Sahara Noir Extra, inspired by evocative Tunisian black marble, surpasses the refined appeal of one of nature’s most attractive...
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